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Сообщения за март, 2020

Indoor air quality and IoT

This post is just an introduction to a series of publications about a custom indoor air quality device connected to IoT back-end.  (I hope, I'll be able to manage my laziness  and procrastination) The publications will describe a whole ecosystem which includes a sensing device, IoT cloud service, back-end and Telegram bot to get aware about your indoor air quality. Also maybe I'll ad something about the analysis of data.  Look at the picture below, this is a better explanation of the ecosystem than description by words. In the next posts I'll explain how to build your own sensing device to measure the quality of indoor air, what are the most relevant air quality parameters compared to well-known outdoor air quality, which sensors available on mass market are most suitable to measure those parameters. There are many tricky questions here. How the optical particulate sensors measure the weight of particles? Why it seems to make not that much sense to meas...

Выступление на St.Petersburg R Users meetup

Запись моего выступления на митапе R Users. Рассказываю про задачу детектирования события во временных рядах. Один из подходов к решению задачи - детектирование паттерна в форме сигнала.